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Terms & Conditions
General conditions for on-line contracting of the Hello Sky services
In charge of the Web
In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that is an Internet domain and registered trademark of GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A., with registered office at Moll de Barcelona, Edificio Este, 1ª planta, 08039, Barcelona, España , Tax ID Code (CIF): A-61.710.687, recorded at the Trade Register of Barcelona, on Folio 23, Sheet 183,646,
Telephone 935 088 125, Fax 935 088 010.
General Terms of Contract between Hello Sky and the User
The User states that he/she is of legal age (over 18 years of age) and has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services offered on the web site of Hello Sky, in accordance with the conditions described below, which he/she declares he/she understands and accepts.
If these services are contracted by minors, they will require the permission of their parents or guardians to be able to use the contracted service. GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A through its portal Hello Sky will assume no responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data completed by the user when it is not possible to verify their age.
These terms of contract regulate the On-Line contracting of the services offered on the web site, allowing you to register as User, make Consultations, Reservations and Purchases from your PC.
In all events, these General Terms of Contract of the Hello Sky services are supplemented by the Conditions of Use of the Web, which are accepted by the User from the moment he/she accesses and uses that Web site, by the on-line Terms of Sale of the Hello Sky services and, if applicable, by the General Conditions of Use of the services offered by Hello Sky but supplied by outside providers.
Acceptance of these General Conditions is a previous, essential and compulsory condition before you may contract any of the services offered by Hello Sky. By accepting this contract and at his/her responsibility, the User states that he/she has read and accepted all the Conditions of Use of the Web site, the General Terms of Contract and the on-line Sales Conditions and that he/she will adjust his/her conduct to the obligations which may result from the conditions of registration, access and use of the contracted services.
Furthermore, by completing the personal identification fields in the order process, or else when making effective use of any of the services, the User acknowledges that the terms of use of Hello Sky will be accepted. These terms of use may be consulted, printed out or recorded locally at any time by easy access using a direct link expressly shown identified as Terms of Use of the Web and which is visible at any time when browsing.
The valid applicable Conditions are the ones published from time to time on the Web GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the right to unilaterally modify all or part of the contents of these Conditions at any time and without prior notice, except when by law or decision of governmental bodies we have to make retroactive changes in those policies or conditions. It likewise reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration of the Web and also to provisionally or finally suspend access. It will in all events notify this to the User employing whatever means it deems appropriate. Users are accordingly recommended to read and review these conditions every time they contract a service. GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. offers Users a Customer Service hotline 34-933758600 and e-mail to submit any doubts about the Conditions.
The User undertakes to use the services and contents of our web site in accordance with the Law and in the general and special terms and conditions of the services offered by Hello Sky from time to time.
The User is responsible for providing his/her data correctly in the contracting processes established on the web site of Hello Sky, and also the names of the persons with regard to whom he/she enters their data, and in all events, he/she shall refrain from using them to:
- Transmit third party data or to record them in any service of without its specific authorisation.
- Enter data programmes in the network that could provoke damage to the IT systems of Hello Sky, its providers or third Users of the internal network or of this web site.
- Carry out illegal activities, against good faith, customs, morale or public order.
- Carry out activities that constitute an infringement in the regulation on intellectual or industrial property or any other applicable legal code.
- Reproduce, duplicate, sell or exploit any contents of the web site for commercial purposes.
- Disseminate contents of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, or glorification of terrorism and/or infringing human rights.
If any clause included in these general conditions shall be declared fully or partly invalid or ineffective, such invalidity or ineffectiveness shall only affect that provision or that part of it which is null or ineffective, and the general conditions shall subsist in all other respects, with that provision, or the part of it which is affected, being considered as not having been made.
The contents, products and services included in the web site are in accordance with Spanish law, and are not conceived or addressed at persons who reside in jurisdictions where there contents are not suitably authorised.
The end prices shown on the screen include V.A.T. and any other State, regional or local tax applicable at the current rate at the time of contracting.
GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, SA through its web provides a number of services aimed mainly at airport users and travellers. These services will be the ones which are offered from time to time on that web site, which will also include details about their characteristics.
These services will be provided at three different levels:
Consultation: The User will complete a form based on the following formula “Complete the following fields and we will get in touch with you to answer your reservation request”
The data obtained by Hello Sky will be used in a database to be able to notify the User about the offer concerning the requested service. The on-line Consultation service is for informative purposes only, and is only designed to offer users the possibility of consulting the availability, characteristics or prices of the Hello Sky services.
Reservation: In this case the User makes the reservation for a service, identifying himself with his personal data or those of a third party whom he legally represents, specifying the dates, and if applicable, the times, and the reservation he wants. The data obtained by Hello Sky will be registered in a database to be able to confirm the User about the reservation corresponding to the requested service, after verifying that payment of the respective deposit has been made.
For the system to accept the reservation, it will also ask you to check the box “I accept the terms and conditions of sale and the cancellation policy”, to ensure that all Users can read the terms of sale and cancellation policy before contracting the service.
Finally, and as an option, you may be asked to give your consent for Hello Sky to use your data to send you commercial information checking the box “I accept Hello Sky sending me commercial information”.
Purchase: In this case the User will complete the respective form to buy any of the Hello Sky Services. Depending on the type of service contracted, these purchases may be closed for certain dates and/times or else an Access Purchase may be made valid with open dates as described in the Terms of Sale.
Also, for the system to accept the purchase, it will ask you to mark the box “I accept the terms and conditions of sale and the cancellation policy”, to ensure that all Users can read the terms of sale and cancellation policy before contracting the service.
Finally, and as an option, you may be asked to give your consent for Hello Sky to use your data to send you commercial information checking the box “I accept Hello Sky sending me commercial information”.
By expressly accepting this clause you agree and accept the use of your personal information to offer you products and services, confirm reservations and other transactions you ask us for, provide you services, understand your requirements better, improve our relations, send offers or special promotions by e-mail, phone or mail and also for the other purposes described in our Privacy Policy which you can find in the Terms of Use of the Web Your personal information may also be entered in our database controlled by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. If you do not wish to receive advertising information from Hello Sky do not mark the respective box.
The prices of the reservations and services will follow the terms set out in the Valid Tariffs which are accessible from time to time on the Web site or they may be offered in a written offer in reply to a Consultation or Reservation request. GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the right to modify those Tariffs at any time. These modifications will apply from the moment they are incorporated and published on the Web or in new offers.
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the right to modify the list of services offered at any time, so the User can benefit from new services, establishments or services at other airports which may join or, if applicable, when denied access to those shown on the list when contracted, without this circumstance being reason for terminating the contract.
Each service or product offered by Hello Sky may have its special conditions regarding reservation, deposit, cancellation, reimbursement, about which the User will be duly notified before making the reservation or Purchase.
In any case, GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the Right, unilaterally, and without prior notice, to suspend or cancel the On-Line contracting provisionally or finally. Special offers, promotions or discounts will be valid until the indicated date or while stocks last.
Likewise, GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the Right to sub-contract with other individuals or legal entities the services contracted by the User.
Intellectual and industrial property
Copyright © 2014 – GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. All rights reserved.
This Web Site is ruled by Spanish law and is protected by national and international laws on intellectual and industrial property.
All contents, marks, logos, names and any other Intellectual and Industrial Property element shown in the Web are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property rights which are expressly reserved by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. or, if applicable, by the persons or entities shown as authors or holders of the rights.
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A does not grant any licence or authorise use of any class on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other property or right related with the Web, for the services or its contents.
In consideration of the above, it is forbidden to exploit, reproduce, modify, distribute or publicly disclose by any means the above-mentioned contents, marks, logos, names and any other Intellectual and Industrial Property element that appear on the Web for different uses of the legitimate information or contracting by the User of the services offered, without the previous written consent of the holder.
Infringement in the above rights shall be defended in accordance with applicable law.
Security of the data
The Reservations and Purchases system of uses a secure server and cutting edge encryption technology. A secure server that guarantees the privacy of the data transmitted by Internet. That privacy is obtained with the SSL protocol. Our SSL server is certified by Thawte.
Cookies Policy:
When the User accesses the Web Site from his PC, tablet or smartphone, text files in these so-called “cookies” are automatically and seamlessly generated. The User's preferences when accessing the Web Site are saved in these files, to recreate those same preferences in future connections. The Users may obtain all the information about the purpose of the installation of the cookies and the uses that will be made of them in the Cookies Policy published by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. on this same Web Site. The User may reject the use of cookies by selecting the suitable configuration in his browser.
We use our own and third party cookies to improve our services and show you advertising about your preferences by analysing your browsing habits. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use.
You may change the configuration or obtain further details consulting our Cookies Policy.
Provision and term of the electronic contracting service on the Web
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. assumes no responsibility for interruptions in the electronic contracting service which may be derived from facts outside the control of its organisation, and more specifically, with those which may be caused or be originated in the communication networks for the functioning and/or management of the Web or in e-mail communications.
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. reserves the unilateral right to terminate the electronic contracting via the web at any time, without having to notify the Users about this or to respect any other formality, other than the obligation to comply with the contracts that have previously been completed.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction.
These Conditions apply to the On-Line contracting of the Hello Sky services and will be interpreted, governed and applied in accordance with the provisions set out herein and in the applicable Spanish law. In general, the Conditions are subject to the provisions foreseen in Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Terms of Contract, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, and its review by Law 3/2014, the current legislation on the protection of personal data, Law 7/1996, of 15 January on Organisation of Retail Trade, Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Services of the Information and Electronic Commerce Society, and any other applicable rules.
For any litigation matters arising from the existence, access, use or contents of the Conditions, the contracting parties expressly waive any other rights that may correspond to them and submit to the jurisdiction and exclusive competence of the Law Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona. If however, the User is considered ""consumer"", the above-mentioned clause on submission shall not apply, and the applicable law will be the law that corresponds from time to time according to that consideration.
Terms of Sale
You are asked to kindly read these Terms of Sale carefully since they apply to the reservation, purchase and use made of the Hello Sky Services. We will not allow you to make any Reservation or Purchase until you have confirmed that you have read and accepted these Terms of Sale.
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A is the operator and owner of the web site When interacting in any way with this web site and/or when making a consultation, reservation or purchase, you accept the General Terms of Contract, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy of Hello Sky.
These Terms of Sale will apply when making a Reservation or Purchase for a Hello Sky service and the user agrees to be entailed by these Terms of Sale.
The services offered by Hello Sky are for end consumers, for their own use and enjoyment or by the persons in the name of whom the user must be legally authorised to act, as set out in Law 26/1984, of 19 July, General Law on Defence of Consumers and Users. Contracting by non end consumers is therefore excluded. The resale or assignment of the services contracted via the Web is therefore absolutely forbidden.
Likewise, the position occupied by the User in the electronic contract of Hello Sky services shall not be assigned or transferred fully or partly, to a third party.
The User undertakes to respect the terms and conditions of sale when making the Reservation and any sub subsequent Purchase. It expressly accepts, without exceptions from its freedom and independent wishes, that access to the Web and its use is made at its responsibility. In turn it is responsible for the fulfilment of the commitments assumed in the electronic contracts which it completes, including the Conditions and it assumes the responsibility arising from the acts and contracts which GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. may complete with providers and third parties to comply with the contract.
In the event of disagreement between these Terms of Sale and the terms and conditions of any provider, the terms and conditions of the Provider shall have priority and shall prevail over these Terms of Sale, in the event of any disagreement.
Parties: The reservation and sale of Hello Sky services generates a contract between the User and GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. Hello Sky is a trademark and as such is not party to these contracts. If however you reserve or buy Hello Sky products or services, these Terms of Sale will apply.
The Terms of Sale constitute an agreement between the User and GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A (as party responsible for the services offered on the web site according to the identification data contained in paragraph 1 of the General Terms of Contract.
The User who contracts the Hello Sky services henceforth freely assumes the following obligations:
Minimum age: The reservation and contracting of Hello Sky services shall only be made by persons who are at least 18 years of age. When making a Reservation or Purchase, the User confirms that he/she is at least 18 years of age.
Exact information and dissemination means: The User understands and accepts that Hello Sky or, if applicable, the provider contracted by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, SA reserves the right at any time to cancel, due to any breach on its part when providing the appropriate information for the contracting of the service, whether about you or about the person for whom you make the Reservation, as provided in these Terms of Sale. The User guarantees that:
- All the information you have provided us on the web forms or with regard to these Terms of Sale, is true, complete and accurate;
- The User will inform us as soon as possible about any changes with regard to the accuracy of the information which it has provided us;
- The User acknowledges and accepts that he is responsible for disseminating facts about himself and about the persons for whom he makes the Reservation and which could affect their ability to travel, such as offences and previous deportations;
- If the User or anybody for whom the User makes the Reservation or Purchases wishes to travel to another town which requires a police record declaration, and you or anybody for whom you make the Reservation have a police record at the time of making the Reservation, you should declare that police record at the time of making the Reservation;
- The User declares that he knows all the rules concerning the entry into the territory or country to which he is going to travel (as well as those in whose name he has made the Reservation), including passport requirements and restrictions, and that he does not have a police record that impedes him from travelling to that territory or country; and that he complies with the suitable requirements for visa, vaccinations, and administrative or health requirements. GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. assumes no responsibility if denied entry in the territory or country of his Accommodation for not having disclosed any of the above-mentioned information. In addition, if you are denied access for this reason, you will not be entitled to any reimbursement;
- Reservation for other persons: If the User makes a Reservation for other persons, he declares that he is authorised to make that Reservation in the name of those persons and that all those persons of the Reservation (and their personal representatives) have agreed to be bound by this Agreement;
- Behaviour: The User undertakes not to behave in a way that could cause upsets, trouble or create risk of danger for other people and/or damage in the rooms, lounges or during the use of any of the Hello Skyservices. If at any time, during the use of the Hello Sky services, the User should be arrested, detained or evicted from his Accommodation at the discretion of Hello Sky or of a Provider, he will not be reimbursed any part of the purchase price of the Accommodation which he has not been able to use as consequence of his behaviour (or of the behaviour of a person for whom the User makes the Reservation). The User undertakes to pay GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A for any loss, responsibility, damages or costs in which we incur for any claim or legal proceedings filed against us, or with which we are threatened by anyone with regard to his behaviour (or the behaviour of a person for whom the User makes the Reservation) by reason of this Agreement.
- Fraud: If we or a Provider are notified or are sent any suspected fraud or illegal activity related with any of the payments made with regard to a Reservation or Purchase, we reserve the right at our entire discretion to cancel your Reservation or Purchase effective immediately and without any kind of compensation. That cancellation right will apply without prejudice of any other right which we may bring against the User who has committed the fraud.
Terms of Use, Reservation and On-Line Purchase of the services offered by Hello Sky:
Consultations, reservations and purchases may be made on the Web 24-hours a day and 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
At all times and in any event, the User may access his data, modify them and cancel them through the Customer Service via our hotline 34-933758600 (Mondays to Fridays from 09:00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) and e-mail The User may at any time enable/disable the possibility of receiving e-mails with commercial communications. To disable, simply unmark the acceptance option for sending commercial communications or, in default of this, send an e-mail recalling your wish to receive commercial information.
Access and use of the Web is completely free and without charge for Users. The User who wants to reserve or buy any of the Hello Sky services, apart from knowing and accepting the Conditions, should complete the user form that is included to that effect on the Web for each of the services. The personal data requested in this form, and also any requested during the On-Line contracting process are subject to the rules on personal data protection, in accordance with the indications contained in the form and on the Web site Fulfilment with personal data of the forms of this Web by the User and the fact of continuing the On-Line contracting procedure, confirming and accepting the steps indicated to that effect, constitutes an unequivocal proof of your consent.
The personal data requested in the data application forms of the Web site are subject to the rules on personal data protection, in accordance with the indications contained in that same form. Its remittance to GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. constitutes an unequivocal proof of its consent. Further information is available consulting our Conditions of use of the Web.
In compliance with the provisions set out in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Association for the Electronic Information and Commerce, it is declared that the formalities which must be followed to complete the online contracting of the Hello Sky services are as follows:
The on-line Consultation service is for informative purposes only, and is only designed to offer users the possibility of consulting the availability, characteristics or prices of the Hello Sky services.
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. undertakes to reply to the User by e-mail within 24 hours.
If a Reservation or a Purchase is derived from the User's Consultation, the provisions set out in the section on Reservations or Purchases respectively of these Terms of Sale shall apply.
The User may make an on line Reservation, via the web site To make the Reservation, you should select the Service which you would like to reserve, click on "Reserve", enter your personal data and the dates and if applicable, the time of the Reservation and any other personal information you are asked for, accept the Reservation Terms of Sale and click on "Reserve" again.
Acceptance of your Reservation: GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA reserves the right to determine, at its exclusive discretion, whether it accepts your Reservation. Your Reservation will not be considered accepted until (and at least) you have been informed that the Reservation has been accepted. This acceptance will in all events be preceded by the payment confirmation which the bank institution forwards us. If for any reason we reject your Reservation, we will let you know by e-mail and you will not be charged for any deposit or amount. If we accept your Reservation, we will send you an e-mail confirming the Reservation to confirm the contracted service, and consequently a contract will be generated between the User and GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA.
Verification of your Reservation Confirmation: It is important that you check the details of the Reservation confirmation e-mail when you receive it. In the event of disagreement between your Reservation and the Reservation confirmation e-mail, or if you do not receive the Reservation confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of making the Reservation, please get in touch with us straight away calling 34-933758600 or by e-mail writing to the address
Payment of the Reservation:
When an On-line Reservation is made, a deposit will be charged in real time by credit or debit card, following the payments process enabled by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. and managed by the respective bank institution. No other forms of payment for those deposits will be admitted. Once GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A has received the payment confirmation of the deposit from the bank institution it will send a payment acknowledgement via the Web site, and also the ticket or “voucher” corresponding to the reserved service.
Deposits charged to formalise the reservations may represent an amount that may vary from 0 to 100% of the tariff depending on the conditions of the tariff and service offered from time to time.
Reimbursement: Deposits are not reimbursable in the event of cancellations for reasons alien to Hello Sky. These deposits may however, depending on the conditions of the tariff and the service from time to time, be reimbursable up to a 100%.
The User may make an on line purchase for the available Hello Sky services or products, through the web To make the on-line Purchase you should select the Hello Sky service which you want to buy, click on "Buy", enter your personal data and the dates, and if applicable, the times, and any other personal information you are asked for, accept the Terms of Sale and again click on "Buy".
Acceptance of the Purchase: At its exclusive discretion, GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA reserves the right to determine whether it accepts the Purchase. Your Purchase will not be considered accepted until (and at least) you have been informed that the Purchase has been accepted. This acceptance will in all events be preceded by the payment confirmation which the bank institution forwards us. If the purchase is not accepted because the bank does not authorise the charge, GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA will inform the User on line during the purchase process, or later by sending an e-mail when this is due to some other reason. In these cases, you will not be charged anything. If we accept your Purchase, we will send you an e-mail confirming the Reservation to confirm the contracted service, and a contract will consequently be generated between the user and GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA.
Verification of your Purchase Confirmation: It is important that you check the details of the confirmation e-mail when you receive it. In the event of disagreement between your Purchase and the Reservation confirmation e-mail, or if you do not receive the Purchase confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of making it, please get in touch with us immediately calling 34-933758600 or by e-mail writing to the address
Payment of the Purchase:
When an on line purchase is made of any Hello Sky service, you will be charged the amount in real time by credit or debit card.
using the payments procedure enabled by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. and managed by the respective bank institution. No other forms of payment will be admitted for those services. Once GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A has received the payment confirmation from the bank institution it will send a payment acknowledgement via the Web site, and also the ticket or “voucher” corresponding to the service purchased.
Amounts charged to formalise the Purchases may represent an amount that can vary from 0 to 100% of the tariff depending on the conditions of the tariff and the service offered from time to time.
Reimbursement: The amounts charged for formalising the Purchases will not be reimbursed in the event of cancellations for reasons alien to Hello Sky. These amounts may however, depending on the conditions of the tariff and the service, and also the moment when the cancellation is made, be reimbursable up to a 100%.
If anyone does not use his ticket or “voucher” within the term of dates fixed, it will expire and he will not be entitled to the Reimbursement.
Tickets or “vouchers” presented which have been handled or which do not permit the number that identifies them from being read clearly will not be valid. In this case they will not be reimbursable either.
Purchase of Accesses
When the User makes a Purchase of an Access for a Lounge, he will state the date and airport on the respective form for which he wishes to buy the access and the amount he wants to buy. In addition to his identification data, he/she should complete the Form with the data he/she is requested regarding his escorts. The User must agree.
The system will fix that the term of effectiveness of the access is from 4 days before the date requested until 4 days after the requested date. A personal access ticket will be issued and sent by e-mail for each person indicated. Only 1 access per ticket will be valid in the term of effectiveness. Any access is valid for a maximum 3-hour stay. After this period of time, the client that wishes to extend the stay must purchase an extra access.
Reimbursement: The amounts charged for formalising the Purchase of accesses will not be reimbursed in the event of cancellations for reasons alien to Hello Sky. These amounts may however, depending on the conditions of the tariff and the service, and also the moment when the cancellation is made, be reimbursable up to a 100%.
If anyone does not use his access ticket within the term of dates fixed, it will expire and he will not be entitled to the Reimbursement.
Tickets or “vouchers” presented at the reception of the lounges that have been manipulated or do not permit the number that identifies them from being read clearly will not be valid. In this case they will not be reimbursable either.
For reasons of security GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. does not request or keep the data of that payment and the entire payment process is handled by the bank institution.
The Contracting of the Hello Sky services is offered without distinction in Spanish, Catalan and English.
Right to Waiver
In accordance with the provisions of Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on Organisation of Retail Trade, and in Royal Decree Law RDL 1/2007 which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, partly modified by Law 3/2014, the waiver in contracting the reservation or purchase of the Hello Sky services respecting the provisions of these Conditions shall not imply any penalty payable by the User.
If, once the User has received confirmation of the reservation or purchase of the service by means of acknowledgement of receipt sent by GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. via e-mail to the address which the User has indicated, the User should want to waive the contract, he is entitled to do so within a term of up to fourteen calendar days from receiving the said confirmation, provided that during this period of time he/she has not voluntarily used the ticket or “voucher” of the service and/or has made use of his status as User of that ticket or voucher or has benefited from any other service related with the User status of the Hello Skyservices. Specifically the right to waiver shall not apply to contracts which refer to:
The provision of services, once the service has been completely executed, when the execution has started, with express prior consent by the consumer and user and with the recognition on his part that he is aware that, once the contract has been completely executed by the entrepreneur, he will have lost his right to waiver.
Neither will the right to waiver be possible in the accommodation services, transport of goods, hire of vehicles, meals or services related with leisure activities, if the contracts foresee a specific date or term of execution, except when it is foreseen for a specific Service, Tariff or dates. Each Hello Sky Service may, if applicable, count on special conditions concerning the right to waiver which shall be valid provided they do not infringe the regulations in force from time to time.
The User who wishes to exercise his right to waive the agreement as provided above, may do so sending a written mail in this respect under the title ""Waiver of the Hello Sky"" Service by e-mail to or by post to the address: GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER, S.A. Moll de Barcelona, Edificio Este, 1ª planta, 08039, Barcelona, España.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction.
These Terms of Sale apply to the Hello Sky services and will be interpreted, governed and applied in accordance with the provisions set out herein and in the applicable Spanish law. In general, the Conditions are subject to the provisions foreseen in Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Terms of Contract, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, and its review in Law 3/2014, the current legislation on the protection of personal data, Law 7/1996, of 15 January on Organisation of Retail Trade, Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Services of the Association for the Electronic Information and Commerce, and any other applicable local or regional rules.
For any litigation matter arising from the existence, access, use or contents of the Terms of Sale, the contracting parties expressly waive any other rights that may correspond to them and submit to the jurisdiction and exclusive competence of the Law Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona. If however, the person in question is considered ""consumer"" of the actual Hello Sky services, the above-mentioned clause on submission shall not apply, and the applicable law will be the one that corresponds from time to time according to that consideration.
A.- Información al Usuario
GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER S.A. (en adelante GISTC) informa a los usuarios del sitio web sobre su política respecto del tratamiento y protección de los datos de carácter personal de los usuarios y clientes que puedan recabarse por la navegación a través de su sitio web. Esta web no recoge datos personales de los usuarios si éstos no rellenan el formulario correspondiente y aceptan la política de protección de datos de forma expresa, más allá de las cookies que puedan recopilarse, y que pueden comprobarse en la Cookies Policy.
GISTC es el Responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales del Usuario y le informa que estos datos serán tratados de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las normativas vigentes en materia de protección de datos personales.
Se informa que, conforme a ésta, se garantiza al interesado el ejercicio de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición de los datos que le conciernen, debiendo, para ello, dirigirse mediante comunicación escrita a la siguiente dirección electrónica: El titular de los datos resulta informado y consiente, en su caso, la comunicación y tratamiento de sus datos personales bajo las debidas condiciones de seguridad y secreto profesional, por el período que resulte necesario para la finalidad para la que son recabados, tratados y cedidos, y en las condiciones a continuación señaladas.
B.- Información del tratamiento
Según lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la UE, el usuario debe recibir información puntual y concreta del responsable del tratamiento y los usos y fines del mismo. Para ello, se indica la siguiente información:
1. Información básica en materia de protección de datos personales
1.2.- Finalidades:
a) En caso de haber contratado una prestación de servicios con GISTC, los tratamientos necesarios para la correcta prestación de servicios. Los datos se conservarán durante X años tras la finalización de la prestación de servicios.
b) En caso de contactar con GISTC, dar respuesta a la consulta planteada por el cliente. Los datos serán eliminados una vez se haya cumplido con la finalidad
c) En caso de consentirlo de forma expresa o suscribirse a la newsletter, informarle periódicamente de las ofertas, promociones, concursos y serviciosde la sociedad GISTC. Sus datos se conservarán en tanto no se cancele la suscripción, siempre que no se tratan para otra de las finalidades aquí indicadas, en cuyo caso prevalecerá la superior.
1.3.- Legitimación:
a) En caso de haber contratado una prestación de servicios con GISTC, el tratamiento de sus datos se encuentra legitimado por la relación existente entre usted y GISTC
b) En caso de contactar con GISTC para obtener información, GISTC el tratamiento de sus datos se encuentra legitimado por su consentimiento expreso
c) En caso de subscribirse a la newsletter de GISTC, el tratamiento de sus datos se encuentra legitimado por su consentimiento expreso
1.4.- Destinatarios: Los datos no son objeto de cesión a terceros
1.5.- Derechos: Al interesado le amparan los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, portabilidad, olvido y limitación, conforme se detalla en la información adicional.
A continuación se detalla la información indicada
2. Información adicional en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal
2.1.- Responsable del tratamiento
CIF: A-61710687
Dirección postal: Moll de Barcelona s/n Edificio Este, 1a planta, 08039 Barcelona
Correo electrónico:
2.2.- Finalidad del tratamiento
En GESTIO I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA tratamos la información que nos facilitan las personas interesadas con el fin de:
a) En caso de haber contratado una prestación de servicios con GISTC, sus datos serán tratados para prestar adecuadamente los servicios contratados. Los datos se conservarán durante X años tras la finalización de la prestación de servicios.
b) En caso de haber contactado con GISTC mediante el formulario de contacto, sus datos serán tratados para dar respuesta a su mensaje. Sus datos serán eliminados una vez se haya cumplido con la finalidad.
c) En caso de haberse suscrito usted a la Newsletter de GISTC, sus datos serán tratados para informarle periódicamente de las ofertas, promociones, concursos y serviciosde la sociedad GISTC. Sus datos se conservarán en tanto no se cancele la suscripción.
En caso de que los datos se traten para más de una finalidad, el plazo de conservación de los mismos será el superior.
2.3.- Legitimación del tratamiento
En caso de haber contratado una prestación de servicios con GISTC, el tratamiento de sus datos se encuentra legitimado por la relación existente entre usted y GISTC, siendo el tratamiento necesario para la correcta prestación del servicio.
En caso de que usted haya contactado con GISTC para obtener información, GISTC se encuentra legitimado para tratar sus datos al haber expresado usted su consentimiento expreso para ello, siendo el tratamiento de los mismos necesario para repsonder a su petición.
En caso de que usted se haya suscrito a la newsletter de GISTC, el tratamiento de sus datos se encuentra legitimado por su consentimiento expreso a la política de privacidad aplicable a dicha suscripción.
2.4.- Destinatarios de cesiones o transferencias
En caso de haber contratado una prestación de servicios con GISTC, sus datos serán cedidos a GIST PREMIUM ITALY SRL, cesión necesaria para la correcta prestación del servicio.
2.5.- Derechos de las personas interesadas
Cualquier interesado tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en GESTIÓ I SERVEIS TRADE CENTER SA estamos tratando datos personales que les conciernen, o no. Las personas interesadas tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, así como a solicitar la rectificación de los datos inexactos o, en su caso, solicitar su supresión cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no fueran necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos. En determinadas circunstancias, los interesados podrán solicitar la limitación del tratamiento de sus datos y, en cualquier momento, a oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos.
Para el ejercicio de los derechos reconocidos, el interesado podrá ponerse en contacto a través de la dirección de correo electrónico o dirección postal indicados en el primer párrafo.
Finalmente, Usted, especialmente cuando no haya obtenido satisfacción en el ejercicio de sus derechos, tiene derecho a presentar reclamación ante la autoridad nacional de control, a estos efectos debe dirigirse a la AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS.
C.- Medidas de seguridad
Que de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las normativas vigentes en materia de protección de datos personales, el prestador está cumpliendo con todas las obligaciones establecidas para el tratamiento de los datos personales de su responsabilidad, siendo tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente en relación con el interesado y adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.
El prestador garantiza que ha implementado políticas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas para aplicar las medidas de seguridad que establecen el RGPD y normativa vigente en protección de datos de carácter personal con el fin de proteger los derechos y libertades de los Usuarios y les ha comunicado la información adecuada para que puedan ejercerlos.